Therapy Intensives

Psychotherapy Intensives at Mosaic Mind & Body Wellness

What Are Therapy Intensives?

You might be familiar with the traditional model of therapy, where you attend an hour-long session once a week or every other week, eventually transitioning to monthly or as-needed sessions for ongoing maintenance. This model allows for consistent progress and regular check-ins, but it can also extend the treatment timeline significantly.

Another approach you might have encountered involves extended therapy sessions, typically 75 to 90 minutes long. These longer sessions are particularly effective for couples therapy and trauma work, including PTSD and complex trauma (CPTSD), as they provide more time to delve into issues and achieve more in each session.

Therapy intensives take this a step further by offering several hours of therapy in one day or over multiple days. This format allows for concentrated therapeutic work within a short period. At Mosaic Mind & Body Wellness, you’ll be welcomed with genuine warmth and empathy. We are dedicated to creating a safe, supportive environment where your unique needs and goals are the primary focus. We listen without judgment and strive to understand your personal story with compassion. Here, you will find a secure space to be open and authentic, allowing you to delve into your current challenges, thought patterns, and past experiences.

We are well-versed in a variety of psychotherapeutic approaches and have extensive knowledge to provide insightful and reflective guidance. This nurturing environment will support you in identifying and overcoming obstacles, fostering personal growth, and finding a path to healing.

Psychotherapy Intensives at Mosaic Mind & Body Wellness

Why Haven’t I Heard of Therapy Intensives Before?

Historically, insurance companies have not covered extended therapy sessions, making them less common. The billing code many therapists used for intensives was discontinued earlier this year. However, you can still get a portion of an intensive covered or reimbursed through insurance, whether in-network or out-of-network.

Benefits of Participating in a Therapy Intensive

  1. Faster Progress: Intensives can help you achieve your goals more quickly than traditional weekly sessions.

  2. Deeper Healing: They allow for a deeper exploration of your issues, facilitating more profound healing.

  3. More Support: Intensives provide more consistent and focused support from your therapist, which can be particularly beneficial during challenging times.

  4. Convenience: Scheduling a larger block of time for therapy can be more convenient, especially if weekly sessions are difficult to fit into your schedule due to work or family commitments.

  5. Cost-Effectiveness: Intensives can reduce costs related to travel, childcare, and other expenses associated with weekly therapy sessions. They may also reduce the need for complementary and alternative treatments.

Psychotherapy Intensives at Mosaic Mind & Body Wellness

The Effectiveness of Therapy Intensives

Research on therapy intensives is still emerging, but early findings are promising, particularly for trauma treatment. Some studies suggest that therapy intensives can lead to faster symptom reduction and significant improvements in PTSD symptoms in a short time frame. They are also seen as a safe and effective alternative for treating complex PTSD, potentially reducing the overall treatment time needed.

Ready to take the next step?

Reach out to us today if you feel that therapy intensives would be right for you, or if you have further questions that we might be able to answer.